Exploring, preserving, and sharing our rich heritage so it isn't lost forever.


The Capt. Bangs Hallet House will be open for free on Monday, May 6th from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Tour Quaker Village and learn about local indigenous history on one of walks! See our events page for details.

She Said Yes!, our vintage wedding gown exhibit, is coming in June. Timed entry tickets now available for purchase.

Check out our newest blog post, Bass Hole and the Clam Factory.


Bangs Hallet House Museum

Explore the only sea captain’s home open to the public and learn how the family
lived and entertained in the Victorian era.


Archives and research

Our archives office and library has public wifi,
a copy machine, scanner and air printer,
so be sure to bring your laptop.

Coming Events

Check our events page or follow
our Facebook page for daily posts.



Historic and unpretentious, this non-denominational chapel in a secluded meadow offers a unique setting for a memorable Cape wedding or other event.



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Consider joining us and help us to
Preserve, Promote & Present Yarmouth’s history


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Your generosity allows us to continue our mission to preserve and promote Yarmouth’s history.
Please help us today.

The Historical Society of Old Yarmouth (HSOY) was founded in 1953
with a commitment to discover, preserve, and celebrate the history of this place and all of its people
and to keep it from being discarded, misplaced, forgotten or lost forever.